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It really was an honor to make this wedding cake for such a sweet couple…I’ve been lucky as I haven’t had any “bridezillas” to work with as wedding clients yet!


Since buttercream flowers aren’t my forte, I was happy when the bride told me initially that she was going to use fresh flowers.

However, after I made her bridal shower cupcake bouquets, she called to ask if I’d do the flowers on her wedding cake as she hadn’t had any luck finding the flowers she wanted.  I agreed, hoping the wedding day wouldn’t be too hot for my buttercream flowers to hold their shape. Now the pressure was REALLY on!


As luck would have it, the wedding day was the hottest and most humid in a streak of nice, cool and low-humidity days.  But, luckily, the flowers (and cake) held their shape and we got it delivered without mishap!

This was a 4-tiered cake with alternating square and round cakes (12″ square, 9″ round, 6″ square, and 4″ round anniversary cake for the top).  The flavors were alternating double-chocolate and white velvet layers, filled with vanilla bean buttercream.

The flowers were more “rustic” than “realistic,” but that’s just my style.  I made them in advance and had them in the freezer until I was ready to decorate.  I also made some of the leaves in advance so they’d be “puffy” and easier to place where I wanted them than those piped on.  I got this idea (and some of the flower designs) from this great tutorial by Cake Style.

In the end, I was really happy with the way the cake turned out.  Rustic, but with a bit of traditional sophistication.  I also had one of the guests message me to say it was “the best tasting wedding cake she’d ever had…”  What more could I ask for a happy ending?

Congrats again to you, David and Stacey!  It was such a joy to work with you on your special day …Here’s to your happily-ever-after!