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Ok, just have to do a quick post on this cake as it was SO fun to do.  Maria (she’s the greatest!) ordered it for her godson’s birthday, and I was so excited to do it for her…Realistic food cakes fascinate me (I’m a detail person), so this one was super cool!

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I wish I would have taken more shots of the construction and detail steps (just so I can do it again if needed), but I didn’t, sorry :(.

I started with a 12×12 square chocolate cake, cut in half and stacked (with caramel turtle filling) and carved it into a burrito shape.

After rough-icing the carved cake with vanilla buttercream, I chilled it for an hour or so and then covered it with ivory-colored fondant fashioned to look like a tortilla.  Diluted brown food color painted on the outside made it look toasted. Wrapping the bottom half with foil made it look even more realistic.

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The food details (rice, beans, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, chips) are made from homemade marshmallow fondant (check out this video from the Artisan Cake Company to see how it’s done) and the guac and sour cream are green and white buttercream.

Hope you were surprised with your burrito cake, Antoni, it was sure fun to make!